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Annual WIRED Grid Resilience Symposium brings together academic teams, students, trainees, industry collaborators, community partners, and the International Advisory Board (IAB). Stay tuned for more information as we plan for 2025 Symposium. 

Keynote Talks
Led by industry specialists, academic leaders, government experts, and regional and local community partners.
Skill-Building Sessions
Provide a deep understanding of climate and energy resilience and bolsters technical skills.
Flash Presentations and Poster Sessions
Opportunity for students and trainees to showcase their work and facilitate discussions with subject matter experts.
Technology Showcase and Career Expo
Avenue for industry partners to present latest technologies and innovations and recruit trainees and students.
Networking Events
Chance to socialize, network, and build connections with other attendees.

Join us at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, in 2025!

Don’t miss your chance to grow connections, expand your professional community, and learn from the leading experts building climate-resilient communities and power grids. Our annual AGM will be hosted at the University of Calgary this summer. More information will be available soon.

WIRED Seminar Series shares research findings with the broader scientific, policy and practice community. Seminars are led by our affiliates and subject matter experts from a broad range of institutions.

See WIRED Seminar Series page for more information.