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Our community engagement activities are foundational to all of the work that we do. Our thoughtfully-crafted initiatives involve and empower the communities we serve, ensuring representation across all identities and backgrounds. This approach enables us to effectively meet two broad goals:

Positive Community Impacts
To produce research that is useful, feasible, and meets the needs and aspirations of all communities. Deep and continuous community engagement enables us to refine activities and ensure a positive and lasting impact on local climate and energy resilience.
Build Equitable Community Capacity
Our long-term goal is to establish long-term partnerships and build community capacity. We propel workforce development, improve community trust in climate and energy science, and implement accessibility and inclusion considerations at the heart of climate and energy policy and planning practices.


Community-Centric Research to Identify Needs

Use-inspired research that centralizes community-identified needs and values.

Prioritizing Community Impact in Resilience Evaluation

Comprehensive evaluation plan that prioritizes community impact.

Building and Sustaining Community Trust

Intentional activities that foster ongoing, two-way communication between us and the communities we serve, nurturing community trust.