Masood Parvania
Co-Director of WIRED Global Center | Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of UtahMasood Parvania
Co-Director of WIRED Global Center | Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of UtahExpertise Areas: Community Engagement, Community Resilience, Power Systems, Workforce Development
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: masood.parvania@utah.edu
Faculty Profile: Masood Parvania
LinkedIn: Masood Parvania

Hamid Zareipour
Co-Director of WIRED Global Center | Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of CalgaryHamid Zareipour
Co-Director of WIRED Global Center | Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of CalgaryExpertise Areas: Power Systems
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: hzareipo@ucalgary.ca
Faculty Profile: Hamid Zareipour
LinkedIn: Hamid Zareipour

Fatemeh Shakeri
Academic Program Manager, University of CalgaryFatemeh Shakeri
Academic Program Manager, University of Calgary
Expertise Areas: Academic Program Management
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: fatemeh.shakerihosse@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Fatemeh Shakeri

Marlee Jeppsen
Marketing, Community Engagement, and Events Manager, University of UtahMarlee Jeppsen
Marketing, Community Engagement, and Events Manager, University of Utah
Expertise Areas: Marketing, Communications, Branding, Media Relations, Program Management, Community Engagement, Events
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: marlee.jeppsen@utah.edu
LinkedIn: Marlee Jeppsen

Whitney Sarabia
Marketing and Communications Intern, University of UtahWhitney Sarabia
Marketing and Communications Intern, University of Utah
Nazia Masqsood
Admistrative Coordinator, University of CalgaryNazia Masqsood
Admistrative Coordinator, University of CalgaryExpertise Area: Administrative Coordination
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: nazia.maqsood@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Nazia Masqsood

Ilkay Altintas
Co-PI of WIRED Global Center | Research Scientist, University of California San DiegoIlkay Altintas
Co-PI of WIRED Global Center | Research Scientist, University of California San DiegoExpertise Areas: Data Science and Cyberinfrastructure; Weather Modeling and Data Collection
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: ialtintas@ucsd.edu
Researcher Profile: Ilkay Altintas
LinkedIn: Ilkay Altintas

William Anderegg
Co-PI of WIRED Global Center | Associate Professor of Biology and Director of the Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy, University of UtahWilliam Anderegg
Co-PI of WIRED Global Center | Associate Professor of Biology and Director of the Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy, University of UtahExpertise Areas: Atmospheric Science, Climate Science; Weather Modeling and Data Collection
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: anderegg@utah.edu
Lab Website: Anderegg Lab

Megan Bailey
Assistant Professor of Business, University of CalgaryMegan Bailey
Assistant Professor of Business, University of CalgaryExpertise Areas: Community Resilience
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: megan.bailey@ucalgary.ca
Faculty Profile: Megan Bailey

Ali Bidram
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New MexicoAli Bidram
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New MexicoExpertise Areas: Power Systems
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: bidram@unm.edu
Faculty Profile: Ali Bidram
LinkedIn: Ali Bidram

W. John Braun
Professor of Statistics, UBC OkanaganW. John Braun
Professor of Statistics, UBC OkanaganExpertise Areas: Data Science and Cyberinfrastructure; Weather Modeling and Data Collection; Uncertainty Quantification; Fire Behavior Modeling
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: john.braun@ubc.ca
Professional Website: W. John Braun

Tim Brown
Research Professor of Climatology and Director of Western Regional Climate Center, Deseret Research InstituteTim Brown
Research Professor of Climatology and Director of Western Regional Climate Center, Deseret Research InstituteExpertise Areas: Atmospheric Science, Climate Science; Weather Modeling and Data Collection
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: Tim.Brown@dri.edu
Faculty Profile: Tim Brown

Divya Chandrasekhar
Co-PI of WIRED Global Center | Associate Professor of City and Metropolitan Planning, University of UtahDivya Chandrasekhar
Co-PI of WIRED Global Center | Associate Professor of City and Metropolitan Planning, University of UtahExpertise Areas: Community Resilience; Community Engagement; Workforce Development
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: D.Chandrasekhar@utah.edu
Faculty Profile: Divya Chandrasekhar
LinkedIn: Divya Chandrasekhar

Nicholas Coops
Professor of Forest Resources Management and Canada Research Chair, University of British ColumbiaNicholas Coops
Professor of Forest Resources Management and Canada Research Chair, University of British ColumbiaExpertise Areas: Data Science and Cyberinfrastructure
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: nicholas.coops@ubc.ca
Faculty Profile: Nicholas Coops

Mostafa Farrokhabadi
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of CalgaryMostafa Farrokhabadi
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of CalgaryExpertise Areas: Power Systems
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: mostafa.farrokhabadi@gmail.com
Faculty Profile: Mostafa Farrokhabadi
LinkedIn: Mostafa Farrokhabadi

Mike Flannigan
Professor of Wildland Fire and BC Innovation Research Chair for Predictive Services, Emergency Management and Fire Science, Thompson Rivers UniversityMike Flannigan
Professor of Wildland Fire and BC Innovation Research Chair for Predictive Services, Emergency Management and Fire Science, Thompson Rivers UniversityExpertise Areas: Atmospheric Science, Climate Science; Community Resilience; Weather Modeling and Data Collection; Wildfire Weather and Behavior Modeling
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: mflannigan@tru.ca
Faculty Profile: Mike Flannigan

Amber Fletcher
Professor of Sociology & Social Studies and Academic Director of Community Engagement and Research Centre, University of ReginaAmber Fletcher
Professor of Sociology & Social Studies and Academic Director of Community Engagement and Research Centre, University of ReginaExpertise Areas: Community Engagement; Community Resilience; Tribal, Indigenous, and First Nation Communities; Workforce Development
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: Amber.Fletcher@uregina.ca
Faculty Profile: Amber Fletcher
LinkedIn: Amber Fletcher

Jairo Giraldo
Research Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of UtahJairo Giraldo
Research Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of UtahExpertise Areas: Power Systems; Data Science and Cyberinfrastructure; Workforce Development
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: jairo.giraldo@utah.edu
Faculty Profile: Jairo Giraldo
LinkedIn: Jairo Giraldo

Kevin Hanna
Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Geographic Sciences; Director of UBC Centre for Environmental Assessment Research, UBC OkanaganKevin Hanna
Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Geographic Sciences; Director of UBC Centre for Environmental Assessment Research, UBC OkanaganExpertise Areas: Community Engagement, Community Resilience; Tribal, Indigenous, and First Nation Communities; Power Systems
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: kevin.hanna@ubc.ca
Faculty Profile: Kevin Hanna

John Horel
Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of UtahJohn Horel
Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of UtahExpertise Areas: Atmospheric Science, Climate Science; Weather Modeling and Data Collection
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: john.horel@utah.edu
Research Website: Horel Research Group
LinkedIn: John Horel

Xiaodong Liang
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Canada Research Chair, University of SaskatchewanXiaodong Liang
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Canada Research Chair, University of SaskatchewanExpertise Areas: Power Systems; Community Resilience
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: xil659@mail.usask.ca
Faculty Profile: Xiaodong Liang
LinkedIn: Xiaodong Liang

John Lin
Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of UtahJohn Lin
Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of UtahExpertise Areas: Atmospheric Science, Climate Science; Weather Modeling and Data Collection
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: John.Lin@utah.edu
Faculty Profile: John Lin
LinkedIn: John Lin

Petr Musilek
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of AlbertaPetr Musilek
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of AlbertaExpertise Areas: Power Systems; Data Science and Cyberinfrastructure; Weather Modeling and Data Collection
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: pmusilek@ualberta.ca
Faculty Profile: Petr Musilek
LinkedIn: Petr Musilek

Manish Parashar
Presidential Professor of Computing and Director of Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute, University of UtahManish Parashar
Presidential Professor of Computing and Director of Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute, University of UtahExpertise Areas: Data Science and Cyberinfrastructure
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: manish.parashar@utah.edu
Profile: Manish Parashar
LinkedIn: Manish Parashar

Valerio Pasucci
Co-PI of WIRED Global Center | Professor and Director of National Science Data Democratization Consortium, University of UtahValerio Pasucci
Co-PI of WIRED Global Center | Professor and Director of National Science Data Democratization Consortium, University of Utah
Expertise Areas: Weather Modeling and Data Collection
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: pascucci@sci.utah.edu
Faculty Profile: Valerio Pascucci
LinkedIn: Valerio Pascucci

Roland Stull
Professor and Chair of Atmospheric Science Program, University of British ColumbiaRoland Stull
Professor and Chair of Atmospheric Science Program, University of British ColumbiaExpertise Areas: Data Science and Cyberinfrastructure; Atmospheric Science, Climate Science; Weather Modeling and Data Collection; Wildfire Weather and Behavior Modeling; Clean Energy
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: roland.stull@ubc.ca
Faculty Profile: Roland Stull
LinkedIn: Roland Stull

Fatemeh Shakeri
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of CalgaryFatemeh Shakeri
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary
Expertise Areas: Battery Energy Storage Systems, Renewable Energy Technologies, Data-Driven Optimization
CONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: fatemeh.shakerihosse@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Fatemeh Shakeri
Website: Grid Foresight
Supervisors:Dr. Hamidreza Zareipour,Prof Behrouz Far
Bio: Dr. Fatemeh Shakeri earned her PhD in Battery Energy Storage Systems and Fuel Cells from the University of Calgary, Canada. She currently serves as a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Calgary, conducting research under the supervision of Professors Zareipour and Far. Her work at the WIRED Center focuses on leveraging data-driven optimization techniques to enhance the performance of grid-connected energy storage systems, with the goal of improving grid resilience and stability in the face of extreme weather conditions.

Omur Damla Kuru
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of UtahOmur Damla Kuru
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of UtahCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Damla Kuru
Website: Damla Kuru
Email: u6062513@utah.edu
Supervisor:Dr. Divya Chandrasekhar
Bio: Dr. Omur Damla Kuru is a postdoctoral fellow coordinating the webinar program for the WIRED Center and developing workforce training materials under the supervision of Dr. Divya Chandrasekhar, in collaboration with Center faculty and staff.

James McGlade
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British ColumbiaJames McGlade
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia
Expertise Areas: Remote Sensing, LiDAR, & Forestry
Email: james.mcglade@ubc.ca
Supervisor:Dr. Nicholas Coops
Bio: Dr. James McGlade completed his PhD in close-range remote sensing for forest measurement in Melbourne, Australia. He is now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia, where he utilizes high-resolution multi-temporal LiDAR from fixed-wing aircraft and drones to assess vegetation encroachment hazards along electrical transmission and distribution corridors. By analyzing 3D point-cloud models of tree crown structures and transmission infrastructure, he aims to develop predictive models that forecast vegetation growth trends and identify future hazardous trees.

Xuezheng Zong
Postdoctoral Fellow, Thompson Rivers UniversityXuezheng Zong
Postdoctoral Fellow, Thompson Rivers University
Website: Xuezheng Zong
Email: xzong@tru.ca
Supervisors:Dr. Mike Flannigan
Bio: Dr.Xuezheng Zong is a postdoctoral fellow at Thompson Rivers University. Their primary research interests include fire and weather/climate interactions, particularly the potential impact of climate change, compound events, landscape fire modeling, and risk mitigation. Recently, their work has focused on the dependence between drought and power line-caused fires, as well as risk assessment.

Hollis Belnap
Graduate Student, University of UtahHollis Belnap
Graduate Student, University of UtahCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Hollis Belnap
Email: hollis.belnap@utah.edu
Supervisor:Dr. Masood Parvania
Bio: Hollis Belnap is a third-year graduate student in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Utah, specializing in developing metrics, frameworks, and artificial intelligence algorithms to modernize and automate distribution power systems. Their work focuses on enhancing climate resilience through community-oriented, distribution system-level projects, including resilience hubs, energy subsidy and infrastructure upgrade cost allocation, and distributed energy resource (DER) integration and coordination. They validate models using both software and hardware, including real-time power hardware-in-the-loop testing in strategic environments. With a focus on the Western Interconnection—where wildfires, heatwaves, and droughts increasingly threaten the grid—they pursue bottom-up solutions to address the vulnerabilities of underserved communities to climate disasters and energy shortages, strengthening overall system resilience.

Behdad Faridpak
Graduate Student, University of AlbertaBehdad Faridpak
Graduate Student, University of Alberta
Expertise Areas: Power system engineer & AI specialist
CONTACT INFORMATION:LinkedIn: Behdad Faridpak
Website: Behdad Faridpak
Email: faridpak@ualberta.caSupervisor:Dr. Petr Musilek
Bio: Behdad Faridpak is a PhD student in Power Systems Engineering, specializing in AI-driven methods to enhance the resilience of power grids against extreme events, particularly wildfires. At the WIRED Center, they are developing advanced AI-based models to improve load-shedding strategies and optimize the integration of renewable energy sources.

Ladan Tazik
Graduate Student, University of British Columbia, OkanaganLadan Tazik
Graduate Student, University of British Columbia, OkanaganCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Ladan Tazik
Email: ladan.tazik@ubc.ca
Supervisor: Dr. John Braun
Bio: Ladan Tazik is a second-year PhD student in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, under the supervision of Dr. W.J. Braun and Dr. M. Shehata. Their research focuses on advanced AI modeling with geospatial data to predict wildfire spread, aiding in risk assessment and disaster mitigation. By integrating computer vision, probabilistic modeling, and deep learning, they enhance fire detection and improve wildfire behavior predictions under uncertainty. Their work supports critical infrastructure protection by providing more accurate insights to mitigate the catastrophic impacts of climate change.

Vahid Hakimian
Graduate Student, University of CalgaryVahid Hakimian
Graduate Student, University of CalgaryCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Vahid Hakimian
Email: vahid.hakimian@ucalgary.ca
Supervisors:Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi, Dr. Hamidreza Zareipour
Bio: Vahid Hakimian is a second-year PhD student at the DGRI lab, focusing on emission-aware transactive energy markets..

Chibuike Ohanu
Graduate Student, University of CalgaryChibuike Ohanu
Graduate Student, University of CalgaryCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Chibuike Ohanu
Website: Chibuike Ohanu
Email: chibuike.ohanu@ucalgary.ca
Supervisors:Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi,Dr. Hamidreza Zareipour
Bio: Chibuike Ohanu is a PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering at the University of Calgary with over five years of experience as a university lecturer at the University of Nigeria. Their research focuses on power system stability, optimization, and control, with a current emphasis on the stability of networked microgrids with high penetration of inverter-based resources, particularly during extreme weather events.

Irtaza Sohail
Graduate Student, University of CalgaryIrtaza Sohail
Graduate Student, University of CalgaryCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Irtaza Sohail
Supervisors:Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi
Email: irtaza.sohail@ucalgary.ca
Bio: Irtaza Sohail is a graduate student researching the impact of wildfire smoke on solar PV output.
Eveth Gonzalez
Graduate Student, University of AlbertaEveth Gonzalez
Graduate Student, University of AlbertaCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Eveth Gonzalez
Email: eveth@ualberta.ca
Supervisor: Dr. Petr MusilekBio: Eveth Gonzalez is a second-year master's student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta, specializing in grid resiliency and climate change. Their research focuses on strengthening the power grid against the growing impact of climate-driven events, which threaten system stability and can lead to widespread blackouts. By leveraging Machine Learning algorithms, they analyze real-time data to help planners and policymakers adapt to emerging challenges and ensure a more resilient energy infrastructure.

Alireza Esmaeili
Graduate Student, University of CalgaryAlireza Esmaeili
Graduate Student, University of CalgaryCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Alireza Esmaeili
Website: Grid Foresight Lab
Email: lireza.esmaeili1@ucalgary.ca
Supervisors:Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi,Dr. Hamidreza Zareipour
Bio: Alireza Esmaeli is a graduate student investigating the impact of wildfire smoke on solar energy production at the farm level in Alberta, beginning in 2018, while accounting for other factors that may influence solar output. Their research examines multiple modifiers, including cloud cover, temperature, snow cover, infrastructural failures, and other weather pollutants. By leveraging various types of weather data and wildfire reports, the study aims to isolate the specific impact of wildfire smoke from these other influencing factors.

Eliceo Ruiz Guzman
Graduate Student, University of British ColombiaEliceo Ruiz Guzman
Graduate Student, University of British ColombiaCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Eliceo Ruiz Guzman
Email: eruiz@mail.ubc.ca
Supervisor:Dr. Nicholas Coops
Bio: Eliceo Ruiz Guzman is a PhD student in Forestry at the Integrated Remote Sensing Studio at The University of British Columbia, working on the assessment of fire fuels in the Pacific Northwest region using remote sensing to identify vulnerable areas for wildfire recurrence in the western interconnected power grid.

Aashish Panta
Graduate Student, University of UtahAashish Panta
Graduate Student, University of UtahCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Aashish Panta
Email: aashishpanta0@gmail.com
Supervisor:Dr. Valerio Pascucci
Bio: Aashish Panta is a Graduate Student at the University of Utah who is contributing to the development of the cyber-infrastructure for fire smoke date

Chanelle Dabreo
Undergraduate Student, University of AlbertaChanelle Dabreo
Undergraduate Student, University of AlbertaCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Chanelle Dabreo
Email: dabreo@ualberta.ca
Supervisor:Dr. Petr Musilek
Bio: Chanelle Dabreo is a third-year Computer Engineering co-op student at the University of Alberta, they have a strong interest in power and energy systems. As part of the WIRED project, they are evaluating the impact of wildfires on Jasper, Alberta's electricity grid, which frequently experiences disruptions due to wildfire activity. This study integrates data analysis, GIS mapping, and mitigation strategy assessments to identify grid vulnerabilities. The findings will inform evidence-based recommendations for enhancing resilience through adaptive strategies such as integrating renewable energy sources and microgrids, ultimately helping the community better withstand future wildfire seasons.

Mina Deshler
Graduate Student, University of British ColumbiaMina Deshler
Graduate Student, University of British Columbia
Expertise Areas: Wildfire Risk & Fire weather
Website: WFRT
Email: mdeshler@eoas.ubc.ca
Supervisor:Dr. Roland Stull
Bio: Mina Deshler is a Master’s student in Atmospheric Sciences at UBC, researching fire weather risk modeling for the electric grid in British Columbia.

Trevor Winser
Undergraduate Student, University of British Columbia, OkanaganTrevor Winser
Undergraduate Student, University of British Columbia, OkanaganCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Trevor Winser
Email: trevorwinserschool@gmail.com
Supervisor:Dr. John Braun
Bio: Trevor Winser is a fourth-year Computer Science student with a strong interest in modeling and simulation of real-world events. Their current project focuses on developing a wildfire spread simulation model that, unlike many existing approaches, prioritizes uncertainty over deterministic outcomes. Using C# programming alongside the Unity framework, they are creating a probabilistic visual simulation to represent the likelihood of fire spread.

Joe Meyer
Undergraduate Student, University of British ColumbiaJoe Meyer
Undergraduate Student, University of British ColumbiaCONTACT INFORMATION:
Website: Joe Meyer
Email: jbmeyerii@gmail.com
Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas CoopsBio: Joe Meyer is an undergraduate student investigating contributing factors to vegetation caused outages along power transmission and distribution lines within British Columbia.

Luis Dominguez
Undergraduate Student, University of New MexicoLuis Dominguez
Undergraduate Student, University of New MexicoCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Luis Dominguez
Email: ldominguez12@unm.edu
Supervisor:Dr. Ali Bidram
Bio: Luis Dominguez is an Electrical Engineering major at the University of New Mexico. Currently, he works as a Physics and Math tutor at his university due to his strong interest in those subjects. His upcoming project involves developing a device capable of estimating the risk of fire ignition near power lines.

Delaram Bahreini Esfahani
Undergraduate Student, University of CalgaryDelaram Bahreini Esfahani
Undergraduate Student, University of CalgaryCONTACT INFORMATION:
LinkedIn: Delaram Bahreini Esfahani
Email: delaram.bahreiniesfa@ucalgary.ca
Supervisor:Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi
Bio:Delaram Bahreini Esfahani is a Computer Science undergraduate student at the University of Calgary, they are interested in machine learning and software engineering. Their research focuses on improving power system resilience during extreme weather by developing a tool to estimate EV energy consumption and machine learning models to assess wildfire smoke's impact on solar PV and power networks.
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